Did you know that Vocare Ledlight is affiliated with the OPEN Foundation? The OPEN Foundation fulfills the legal producer responsibility for appliances, lamps and batteries. The Netherlands has a leading position in the collection and high-quality processing of electrical waste. With a collection and recycling rate almost three times higher than the global average, the Netherlands shows that an ambitious approach to e-waste recycling is possible. Every year we report the number of LED luminaires that Vocare Ledlight has put on the Dutch market. For this we pay a contribution for the collection, sorting and processing of lamps that are discarded and can be recycled. In this way, Vocare Ledlight contributes to a sustainable circular economy and we ensure that our footprint remains as small as possible. Want to know more...
When it comes to lighting at work, employers are required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ARBO) to provide good company lighting . In almost every profession, good light is a necessary condition. Light is necessary to perform work properly. Without light, we find it difficult to orient ourselves in a room. Sufficient light ensures that you can see what you are doing. This prevents accidents at work. If a workplace is insufficiently lit, it can lead to dangerous situations. Employees working with dangerous machinery must be able to see their actions clearly. Dark paths or steps should also be lit to prevent falls or trips. Light also stimulates a number of important processes in our bodies, such as the production of vitamins. In addition, light makes us feel fitter and more comfortable. This is especially true of...
When Edison presented his electric lighting in the form of light bulbs in 1879, it was a revolution. The very first LED lamp was invented as early as 1927 by Russian professor Oleg Vladimirovich Losev. He discovered that diodes emitted light when current passed through them. He published details about his LEDs in a Russian magazine in 1927 and applied for a patent on them. However, it wasn't until the 1990s that LED lighting technology developed further when Shuji Nakamura had invented blue and white LEDs. These years also saw the arrival of the halogen lamp, a light bulb that produced light with a small amount of halogen gas and a filament. The halogen bulb never became very popular, the light was not bright, the lifespan was limited, and despite being called an "energy-saving bulb," it was not very energy...
LED Grow Lights Growing insects on a large scale has become increasingly popular in recent years. Especially the larvae used as feed and bait for animals or in manure and waste disposal. One such insect is the black soldier fly. This fly has proven excellent for this production. The black soldier fly The black soldier fly is native to the (sub-) tropical parts of North and South America, but has migrated to the rest of the world over the past several hundred years. The flies have no invasive characteristics that could spread diseases, such as a sting or some form of biting. For this reason, the flies are not a danger to humans and are not considered a problem in their native habitat. The ideal conditions In ideal conditions, after their larval and pupal stages, the flies are ready to lay eggs within two days, laying...
Lighting regulations are about to be overhauled. From July 1, 2020, businesses will only be allowed to buy LED lighting. This means that from then on, all other types of lighting may no longer be purchased for use throughout the business sector. This should save co2 emissions. Lighting purchased before the above date may still be used. Possibilities Fortunately, LED lighting has already come a long way. There is an LED replacement for all old lamps. These replacements are more economical than ever before. 50 to 90% more economical even. The possibilities during replacement are plenty. Fluorescent tubes can be replaced by LED fluorescent tubes or ceiling lights. Clock lamps can be replaced by LED high bays and construction lamps and floodlights also have their LED variants. Vocare-Ledlight is ready to help you in the...
Not every animal sees the same way. Artificial lighting can affect animal welfare, health and reproduction. LED lamps and cattle To see and exhibit natural behavior, young cattle and adult cows or goats need adequate lighting. An illuminance starting at about 130 lux is sufficient for this purpose. In addition, animals need a daily dark period (<5 lux) of at least 6 hours to reset their biological clock. According to IKB Netherlands ( Integrale Keten Beheersing ), from January 1, 2024, artificial lighting must be controlled with a timer and be on for 8 consecutive hours to support the day and night rhythm. Beter Leven Keurmerk has tightened requirements for pig houses. Starting January 1, 2025, pig houses must meet the requirement that the daylight permeable area in walls and roofs must be at least 2% of the floor...
The world is changing to be more and more durable. One of the innovations to do this is via Hybrid- and solar LED lamps. Hybrid LED lamps Hybrid LED lamps are use a solar panel on top of the lamp to generate and store energy during the day. When the lamp senses that it`s getting dark, it will turn on automatically and starts to emit light until the batteries are empty. Then, the lamp will switch to the main power supply. This helps LED lamps to save even more power on top of the savings they already provide. Solar LED lamps And then there are solar LED lamps. These lamps work for a 100% on solar energy thru the solar panel on top of the lamp. The biggest pro of these lamps is that they don`t need any power from the main power supply. This means they can be placed anywhere, even the most remote places. A con is that the...
A LED is an acronym for Light Emitting Diode. A LED is an electronic semiconductor component. The electrical passage shines out light to the pass direction. This makes it possible to emit every colour and does also includes ultraviolet and infrared light. LED`s a mostly used in transparent housing. The housing is also used as a lens for extra functionality. LED light can endure between 30.000 and 50.000 emitting ours. This means that LED is can emit light for about 42 up to 68 months of continuous emitting, much longer than any other lamp. A LED can also save a lot of energy. 88% less than a classic light bulb and 50% less than an energy saving lamp, for the same amount of light. This makes LED a very sustainable lamp. Another pro of LED is the time to emit it`s full potential light. While other lamps must warm up for a little, LED...