LED Horticultural lights


LED Grow Lighting

Overall, LED grow lighting systems offer an efficient and effective way to grow plants both indoors and in commercial applications, with numerous benefits for both growers and the environment. LED lamps are also very suitable for growing insects. Vocare Ledlight has been supplying a successful breeding lamp for the black soldier fly for years. 


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Expected delivery time up to 10 working days


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Expected delivery time up to 15 working days


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Why should I switch to LED assimilation lighting?
LED grow lights, also known as LED grow lights, are becoming increasingly popular in commercial horticulture. LED lighting has many advantages over traditional HPS lights, consider, for example: 

  • Energy efficiency: LEDs use less energy than traditional incandescent and fluorescent lamps, making them more cost-effective in the long run.
  • Specific light spectra: LED grow lights can be tuned to specific wavelengths that are optimal for photosynthesis and plant growth. This can lead to improved crop yields and quality.
  • Long life: LEDs generally have a long life compared to other types of lamps, reducing the need for replacement.
  • Heat dissipation: LED grow lights generally produce less heat than traditional lights, reducing the risk of overheating plants.
  • Flexibility: LED grow lights can be adapted to different growth stages of plants by adjusting the intensity and spectrum of the light.

How does LED grow lighting work?
LED grow lights work by sending electricity through semiconductor materials, resulting in the emission of photons (light). These photons can be emitted at specific wavelengths that are beneficial to plant growth. By adjusting the material and composition of the LEDs, specific light spectra can be set to match the needs of different plant species and growth stages.

Where are LED grow lights used?
  • Indoor cultivation: LED grow lights in greenhouses are widely used in the hospitality industry for growing daily fresh leafy vegetables, herbs and edible flowers. 
  • Greenhouse lighting: In commercial greenhouses, LED grow lights can be used to supplement or even replace natural sunlight, optimizing crop growth conditions. 
  • Research and experimentation: LED grow lights are also widely used in research institutions and universities for studies on plant physiology, photosynthesis and crop productivity. 
  • Vertical farming: In urban environments and locations with limited space, LED grow lights can be used in vertical farming systems to achieve maximum yields in a limited area.
  • Insect breeding: Vocare has a breeding lamp that can increase mating effectiveness eight to 12 times under a wavelength of 440nm (indigo/blue) and 540nm(green) which provides a big jump in additional larvae.

Need help choosing LED Grow lights?
Choosing the right LED grow lighting depends on your specific situation and requirements. Therefore, please let our lighting consultants inform you properly. They are happy to advise you without obligation and can answer all your questions.

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